Monday, January 23, 2012

First Blog Assignment


This is a Japan Airlines advertisment. This image shows a Japanese flight hostess and a male passenger. The hostess is wearing a beautiful and detailed kimono, representing tradition and elegance. The man is wearing a dress shirt and tie underneath a blue, vintage kimono probably provided from JAL (Japan Airlines). The hostess is placing a clean, crisp-white pillow behind the man's head for comfort. In the back of the photo, there is another man sleeping peacefully with the soft sunlight pouring through the window, illustrating a feeling of serenity to the flight.  It seems the passengers are in a non-economy class from the spacious and tranquil like environment, and the cushiony purple seats. The color purple connotes luxury, wealth and sophistication.  The color scheme of the image is very warm, elegant, and serene.

The Japan Airlines slogan is “We never forget how important you are.” This photo conveys the importance of commitment to customer service. They are showing that JAL service isn’t like the other usual airline kind. The hostess is showing hospitality by providing a pillow to the passenger who was maybe dozing off. By the expression on the man’s face, he is appreciative of her thoughtfulness. Her thoughtfulness makes him feel like not just a passenger, but also like a guest in a Japanese home. Mannerism and etiquette is very important in Japan, and that is being portrayed in this photo. They want to make JAL flights the perfect journey even through the small details.


  1. Good job finding this photo. I do feel a darker undertone to this picture. That is that the woman is putting a pillow behind his head with what looks like little to no effort on his part to help her. Lazy Americans maybe? Rich old white men the, the scourge of the human race? That is a little off topic but I would have to agree with you that this is the difference between an American airline versus a Japanese one. I find it very uncommon for a person on an American airline to ask for a pillow and if that person did the flight attendant would throw it at them from 5 rows out. Again I am exaggerating but this level of hospitality and customer service is unheard of within the US while Japan takes pride in devoting themselves to a high level of commitment, no matter the job.

  2. Thanks for the comment! I agree that the levels of hospitality of an American airline and a Japanese airline seem quite different.

  3. After looking at the photo, I was immediately confused by several aspects. Why is the "flight attendant" in a kimono and not in her uniform? Why is the Western man wearing a happi coat? These are just questions I came up with. However, I thought you did a good job discussing the airline and how it presents itself.

    1. I feel like the flight attendant was wearing a kimono instead of a uniform to give off a welcoming Japanese environment. I'm not exactly sure why the man is wearing a happi coat but it must have been provided by the airline because of the airline's mark on it. Thanks for the comment:)

  4. I think this advertisement definitely plays up the cultural aspect. In a sense, it is not only advertising the airline, but Japan. The sense of kindness is obvious, but the kimono indicates it's a kindness that comes specifically from the Japanese. I agree, this is the major selling point for the airline.

    1. I also agree it's advertising more of Japan and it's cultural aspect.
