Thursday, February 2, 2012

Globetrotters: Places & People

MIT Visualizing Cultures

This is an image of Mt. Fuji. This image definitely emphasizes the beauty and vastness of Mt. Fuji.  There are some elements of reflection or asymmetry that enhances this photo aesthetically. The first thing I noticed was the reflection of the mountain on the surface of the water, though if you notice closely the veins of the snow at the tip of the reflected mountain and the color of the sky don’t seem to exactly replicate the actual mountain and sky.  Second, the grassy parts are divided and are parallel to each other, also somewhat mirroring each other.  Then there are two boatmen on either side.  They are asymmetric in that one is standing up, and the other is sitting, with their boats angled towards each other. In the distance there is steam from the hot springs, adding a mystic feel. I like how the green color of the grass pops out.  I also like how the soft pinkish color of the sky illuminating behind the mountain accentuates Mt. Fuji’s majestic form.  The artist of this photo wanted to capture the beauty of the mountain so the viewer can appreciate the naturalistic scenery.  The connotation of this image is that Japan is beauty in its nature.


This is an image of two craftsman working on Japanese-style lanterns.  The man on the left is bald and older than the more youthful looking man on the right.  I can’t tell if it’s a father-son relationship, or if it’s just a craftsman and his assistant.  Anyway, it seems the older craftsman is staring at his lantern looking pretty satisfied the way it is turning out, whereas the younger man looks like he’s bored by the way he’s sitting Indian style with a slouched back and decorating his lantern with a lack-of-interest facial expression.  I thought it was interesting that there’s seems to be a teapot in every room, even in a workplace.  Behind them are many multi-colored lanterns hanging on a string, and a few colorless umbrellas.  The artist played with defining the décor on the lanterns.   You can see the attention to detail the craftsman put into each lantern.  Some lanterns are long, in the shape of a cylinder, and some are round.  One lantern that stands out the most is the one on the left.  It clearly resembles the Japanese flag.  When these lanterns are lit at night, it gives off a very aesthetic effect.  This image shows yet another side of Japan’s artistic skill in its crafts.  


  1. I think the contrast between the artisans is very interesting.The seriousness of the older artist and the bored younger one seems accurate. I think the details in the expressions about their work is obvious. I think the view of Mt. Fuji is intriguing because it is very different from the usual view. It is a lot closer which creates a very intimate feeling.

    1. I also agree that this particular view of Mt. Fuji creates an intimate feeling with the viewer. Thanks for the comment!

  2. Whenever I see an image of Mt. Fuji I wonder as to which side of the mountain the image was taken. Anywho, this is a really cool image of Mt. Fuji. Appears older not just from the quality but becuase of the rural setting. I also like the contrast in the second image between the elder craftsman and the younger. You can clearly see that the old man is enjoying his work while the other I am not so sure about. However, the color in both images are brilliant.
